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Friends of Kinsbourne Green Common

Autumn Newsletter 2024

Lots has been happening since our last newsletter. In June we had an ecological survey undertaken by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.  The last one was done in 2012, and we were delighted that the range of  biodiversity seen then, is still here now.  We wonder how many of you spotted the delight of the many harebells that sprung up after the hay cut in July?  They are extremely rare and so it feels very special that we saw so many. The ecologist suggested that a combination of several dry summers and an earlier hay cut really encourage their proliferation. A copy of the ecology report will be available soon on the website.

Harebells in bloom after the early hay cut

In July, the hay was cut a little earlier than some previous years, and as seen with the harebells, could encourage some other plants to flourish as the grass dominates less.  This is something we’re taking professional advice on.

A full tree survey was undertaken in August so we can better understand the maintenance requirements for over 2400 trees. The main focus is the large number of trees with lethal ash dieback disease bordering The Common, and many will need to come down. Ash dieback not only kills off the foliage, but also makes the tree brittle and at risk of falling.  We hope to get this work done this autumn and are trying to partner with a local college to do this. We will then be investigating replanting with new and varied native tree species.

Overall, the tree survey declared our trees to be in a good condition, and four were labelled as ancient or heritage trees.  We’ll add details of these trees to the website too!

With a generous grant from our local councillor Alison Wren, we’re going to get some signage put up setting out basic information and a few rules/guidelines for those using the Common.  It is here for everyone to enjoy, but to ensure we care for it appropriately we do need everyone to care for it too.  Please pick up after your dogs and crucially put the poo bags in the poo bins. In line with many other public spaces we also request that dog walkers limit themselves to a maximum of four dogs per adult, to ensure the safety of all users.

Whilst we do actively encourage children to play in the woodland, building dens and the like, we also ask that trees or the ground beneath the trees is not damaged in the process. Broken pallets and glass bottles can harm other children and dogs. We’ve cleared quite a lot of rubbish away this summer.

We want to keep the Common as safe and a rich environment for flora and fauna, so we ask all users that if you see something that doesn’t look right, please let us know. And naturally if its something very urgent, please call the emergency services.

Finally, we’re organising an autumn litter pick. With vegetation dying back a little, now is a good time to clear the rubbish. Thankfully there is little on the Common, but the ditches are a favourite place for fly tippers. We will be combining our litter pick with St Mary’s church, so please do try and spare an hour to clear the Common and surrounding lanes and streets.

St Mary's Church Litter Pick

Saturday 12th October @ 10:30am

Please meet outside the church. All equipment provided.

To sign off, here is a lovely sunset captured in September. If you have nice shots taken on or around the Common please do share as we would love to publish them on the website. Email to

We hope to see many of you at the litter pick or maybe just out walking!


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